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Joining the One Home One Future campaign provides you and your congregation the tools and resources to build thriving congregations, support faith leaders, strengthen local communities and so much more. As people of faith, we have the opportunity to protect creation and advance just and equitable climate solutions.


Together, we are called by our faith to care for our given and shared home.


We will work toward a healthy world and thriving local communities by visibly supporting clergy and congregations, within and across faiths, in a changing climate.

How It Works

One Home One Future is a multi-faith campaign for visible and collective climate action by faith leaders to educate, activate, and empower clergy, congregants, youth, and all spiritual people – progressing beyond the climate activists – in meaningful and just climate solutions at the local, regional and national level.  

  1. Sign up to participate.

  2. Watch a short orientation video to learn how One Home One Future will support you with information, resources, and community.

  3. Receive your free kit, including your banner and links to additional resources.

  4. Start engaging your community by hanging your banner and sharing your story.

  5. Elevate your leadership by taking action and inviting others to join.

Clergy and congregants celebrating their participation in One Home One Future in Midway, KY.

Join One Home One Future

Join a community of congregations, organizations, and people of faith across the country in caring for creation. The first 1000 congregations to join will get a free One Home One Future banner (for US mailing addresses). Access to resources and trainings to help your congregation and community care for creation are available to all.


By filling out this form you agree to:

  • Visibly lead on creation care. Hang the One Home One Future banner in front of your house of worship and submitting a picture.

  • Take Action! Find resources to help you get started with any of the action pathways.

  • Connect to and lead in your denomination's creation care or climate justice program.

  • Opt in to our free, private, online Mobilize community where you can collaborate with others and get access to additional resources. You can unsubscribe or change your preferences at any time.**

    If you are interested in denominational partnership, email

Are you an Individual or Congregation?

**We will not share your personal information with other individuals or organizations without your explicit permission.

Thanks for submitting!

Find a One Home One Future Congregation Near You!

Nominate a Congregation or Leader

Do you know a congregation or faith leader looking to engage further with climate and justice? Nominate them here to join One Home One Future!

The contact information submitted through this form will only be used to send an invitation to join One Home One Future. We will include you on the email to your nominee.*


If you are interested in denominational partnership, email

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Thanks for submitting!

*We will not share your personal information with other individuals or organizations without your explicit permission.

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