One Home
One Future
One Home One Future is a seven-year multi-faith campaign to strengthen vitality, relevance and community connection across generations in local congregations nationwide. It is a coalition effort of US faith denominations and organizations for visible and collective creation care and climate action by faith leaders to educate, activate, and support clergy, congregants, youth, and all spiritual people – progressing beyond the climate activists – in meaningful and just climate solutions at the local, regional and national level.
It is designed to offer fulfilling, positive, and accessible pathways for education, engagement and action on creation care and just and equitable climate solutions, no matter if a member of the clergy, lay leader, or congregation is just getting started or already engaging.
Importantly, One Home One Future calls people of all faiths to stand together and do what they can, when they can, to engage their congregations and communities in caring for our shared and given home, now and for generations to come.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can join the campaign? Any congregation, faith organization, denomination, clergy person, or person of faith. Are there costs associated with this campaign? Participation in this campaign is free. All trainings, webinars, and resources are free. The first 1000 banners for congregations and their postage are free in the United States.
Contact Us
Email us your questions, comments, and ideas.
Rev. Carol Devine
Program Lead
One Home One Future Partners
One Home One Future is a coalition effort of US faith denominations and organizations, supported by ecoAmerica’s Blessed Tomorrow program as the organizer.
"Together, we are called by our faith to care for our given and shared home. We will work toward a healthy world and thriving local communities by visibly supporting clergy and congregations, within and across faiths, in a changing climate."

One Home One Future Coalition Leaders
The One Home One Future coalition leaders, representing a diverse set of faith traditions, convened over six months to shape and initiate the campaign. We are grateful for their time, insight, support, and leadership.
Rev. Jim Antal Special Advisor on Climate Justice, United Church of Christ, Executive Committee Chair, Blessed Tomorrow
Rev. Dr. Neddy Astudillo Coordinator of Spanish Certification Program, Center for Climate Justice + Faith
Sue Blythe Baha'is of Alachua County, Florida
Rev. Brooks Berndt Minister for Environmental Justice, United Church of Christ
Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas Missioner for Creation Care, Episcopal Diocese of W. Massachusetts and S. New England Conf. of UCC*
Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin Chair, Masorti Movement Sustainability Roundtable
Rev. Thomas Carr Coordinator, American Baptist Churches, USA
Phoebe Chatfield Program Associate for Creation Care and Justice, The Episcopal Church
Stephanie Cooper Acting Communications Specialists, Alliance of Baptists
Avery Davis Lamb Co-Executive Director, Creation Justice Ministries
Robert Desmarais Sullivan Lay Leader, Ministry for Earth of First Unitarian Universalist Church of New Orleans
Rev. Carol Devine Program Director, Blessed Tomorrow
Wilson Dickinson Director of Doctor of Ministry and Continuing Education Program, Lexington Theological Seminary
Jackie Dupont Walker Director, Social Action Commission, African Methodist Episcopal Church
Rev. Dr. Gerald Durley Former Senior Pastor Emeritus, Providence Missionary Baptist Church
Rev. Allen Ewing-Merrill Executive Director, The BTS Center
Dr. Willie Gable President/CEO, International Housing and Economic Development Corp
Rev. Bruce Gillette Moderator, Presbyterians for Earth Care
Rev. Scott Hardin-Nieri Co-Minister Green Chalice, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Rev. Rich Hendricks Co-Chair Creation Care, Metropolitan Community Churches
Dr. Betty Holley Academic Dean, Payne Theological Seminary
Zavia Jenkins Community Fellow, Young Evangelicals for Climate Action
Rev. Sergei Kapral Protodeacon, Orthodox Church in America
Doug Kauffman Executive Director, Anabaptist Climate Collaborative
Fred Krueger Executive Coordinator, National Religious Coalition on Creation Care
Gloria Lozada De Jesús Member, Red Presbiteriana para el Cuidado de la Creación
Sarah Macias Pastoralist and Theologian, Sister Grove Farm
Rev. Michael Malcolm Founder/Executive Director, The People's Justice Council
Jessica Maudlin Associate for Sustainable Living and Earth Care Concerns, Presbyterian Hunger Program
Christine Moffett Interim Environmental Policy Director, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
abby mohaupt Director of Education, GreenFaith
Bee Moorhead Executive Director, Texas Impact
Phoebe Morad Executive Director, Lutherans Restoring Creation
Rev. Melanie Mullen Director of Reconciliation, Justice & Creation Care, The Episcopal Church
Becky O'Brien Director of Food and Climate, Adamah
Sandy Ovalle Director of Campaigns and Mobilizing, Sojourners
Rev. Dr. Leah Schade Assistant Professor, Lexington Theological Seminary
Rev. Katherine Smith Executive Director, Baptist Creation Care Initiative
Robin Porter Smith Climate Justice Coordinator, African Methodist Episcopal Church
Ilka Vega Executive for Economic and Environmental Justice, United Women in Faith
Rev. Erica Williams, MDiv National Social Justice Organizer, Set It Off Movement