Work Towards Justice
Climate impacts are felt by all, but vulnerable populations experience the impacts first and worst. The issues that we care about as people of faith are negatively impacted by climate change. We are called to love and care for God’s creation. Now is the time for us to visibly lead on climate action, advocacy, and justice.
Below are tools and resources to deepen your personal and congregation-wide commitments to justice by seeking out, advocating for, and working to bring about just and equitable climate action and solutions.
Getting Started
There are many ways to work toward justice. Below is a sample plan of simple actions to get you started. Looking for more ways to engage? See a full list of actions to support just and equitable climate action and solutions.
Deepen your climate justice knowledge through trainings, webinars, guest speakers, and book studies.
Join climate justice initiatives of your denomination and One Home One Future partner organizations.
Learn about the injustices of your local community’s history including the first inhabitants of your town and state. Know the history of slavery and what communities were and are marginalized and oppressed in your area.
Lead climate justice education through a class or series in your congregation or community. Identify ways in which your congregation and community could center justice.
Center and support children and youth in your congregation’s justice work.
Invite others in your area to learn with you. Inviting other houses of worship to join the One Home One Future campaign.
Ways to Engage
Below are books, videos, discussion guides, and curricula to deepen your climate justice education; advocacy and action opportunities; and resources to engage with justice work through coalition partners.
You can browse all of the One Home One Future tools and opportunities, and find upcoming events, in the Resource Hub.